Book recommendation…ish – Three Square Meals
So, while waiting for Amazon to sort it’s shit out with Michael-Scott Earle, and we can finally get some new Star Justice and Tamer books, I’ve continued reading a bunch of other novels, and I came across one I really like. I’ve been kind of sheepish about recommending it because… well, it’s “erotica.” At least that’s the category it’s listed under at Amazon, but quite frankly, calling it erotica is underselling it a bit. There’s a lot of sex in this book. Like, a lot. So if that doesn’t interest you, you’re just not going to enjoy it. You’d be skimming through… quite a bit of text to get to the rest of the story.
Unlike a lot of other harem novels, however, the sex actually factors heavily into the actual plot. Yes, it’s almost like the author came up with a reason for the characters to have a lot of sex, beyond them being horny for the usual reasons, and then wrote a story about it.
If the sex doesn’t turn you off, or, if in fact you don’t mind some sex (or a lot) in your harem books, there’s a shockingly good space opera to be had here. I would actually put it on par with Star Justice, which is something I never thought I’d say, as it’s one of my favorite series of all time. Another thing I like about Three Square Meals is that there’s a lot of it. The story is over 2 million words long and counting. By the time you get through the first three books, the overarching plot is only barely starting to reveal itself. What can I say? I enjoy it when there’s a lot of something I enjoy. In a shorter story, you get to see the characters interact with one group or another, but then that’s usually it. In this longer format, you get to revisit those groups and see the sometimes empire shifting consequences of their interactions with the MCs. Plus, IMO, the story keeps getting stronger as the cast expands and the momentum of the story builds.
Another thing I like about the story is that it does OP right. The main character, (and the women in the harem) get really powerful. (Something I like in my harem novels is when the women are really awesome too, go figure.) The story keeps escalating so that they have significant challenges, but importantly, there are a lot of great scenes where the MCs have awesome moments of OP-ness* and are able to wow their allies, and/or crush their enemies, and see them driven before them, etc. That balance is important IMO, and a lot of books don’t get it right.
So here are some links;
- The first 4 books are available on Amazon.
- Nearly the entirety of the story is available on Literotica. There’s a bit of a delay for the most recent chapters. If you’re unsure about diving in, you can start here, then if you like it, you can support the author at Amazon or his Patreon. The Kindle versions have had an additional editing pass, with some extra scenes thrown in for good measure.
- And the author has a Patreon, if you get caught up with all 2 million+ words and can’t wait for the next chapter to come out on Literotica.
*Hur hur, I said penis.
I’ll second that. The protagonists feel like Marry Sues most of the time, but there’s good conflict, and I really enjoy the steady technological and logistical progression.
I agree, I follow 3 Square Meals and it’s one of the best science fiction stories around.
Dude, I have loved 3 Square Meals since the beginning. Currently my favorite read. Glad to seeing it get some love.
we can’t have talks about good sexy books without talking Nozoki Ana.
having a literotica-link might actually be a bonus for some people – there’s a decent mobile app that’s better than some e-book-reader-stuff out there (and well… it’s free)
I did not know that. I’ve been reading in Safari reader mode, which works great except on the 200 page chapters when safari occasionally looses it’s place.
well, I was talking about android of course
there’s no usable way to install software on iOS, other than the app store.
And since both Google and Apple like to impose american morality on all of the world (violence good, sex bad), you’ll never get this there.
On Android this is less of a problem, because you can install things via plain apk-file or even completely independent sources (i.e. fdroid)
I made a small python script to scrap the literotica html and generate a one page local html file. Then with the kindle app you can email it from your computer to the kindle email and it automatically generates a simple eBook you can read in the app, saves your progress perfectly and you can read offline. I could share the script if someone finds it useful.
I thought you could view a page in Pocket reader mode, but apparently what it saves is a bunch of javascript or something and not the actual contents of the page, so that script definitely sounds useful.
Here it is the repo with the script I have. Is very basic, I stopped when I managed to have something that worked. If anyone finds any issue, I’ll try to fix it.
So… uh, I guess this is no good unless I have python… installed? Is python something you install?
This might be a bit rube-goldbergian for what I want to do with it.
Hahaha. I understand. Python is a programming language that needs an interpreter. The same way you install java to run Minecraft or something. You need Python to run python scripts. (Unless you package everything in an app thingy or something).
I can explain everything if you want, but I understand that sometimes even opening the Windows command prompt can be quite daunting for the inexperienced, I’ve been there.
This is one of the very, very few times I’ve tried to install and run a Python script, so please forgive the noob type of problem I’m having. :) I’m running Win7, and have installed Python 3.7.3, Unidecode-1.0.23, beautifulsoup4-4.7.1, with soupsieve-1.9. I then tried to run Parser tp get TSM01 like your example in your, and got the following error:
You entered TSM01.html
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “Parser”, Line 40, in (module)
soupPage = BeautifulSoup(regPage, features=”lxml”)
File “C:\Program Files (x86)\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\bs4\”, Line 196, in __init__
% “,”.join(features))
bs4.FeatureNotFound: Couldn’t find a tree builder with the features you requested: lxml. Do you need to install a parser library?
So, where do I find the missing parser library and how do I install it? Any other “gotcha’s” I need to look out for as a noob?
Thanks in advance for the help. :)
I installed lxml-4.3.3 and now Parser works as advertised. Very nice! I’ll have to play around with it and see how flexible it is for use at similar sites. Thanks you very much for this!
Cheers and Regards
More followup; :)
Possible enhancements to Parser:
(1) Optionally include path to parse and filename to generate in command line, such as:
python Parser three-square-meals-ch-01 TSM01
(2) Optionally include path to text file with list of files to generate, such as:
python Parser list
where list.txt is of the format:
three-square-meals-ch-01 TSM01
three-square-meals-ch-02 TSM02
three-square-meals-ch-03 TSM03
(3) If using option 2, can choose to stop on error, ie if path does not exist, or continue but list the error, and if you are listing the error, then choose to list errors to console or to an error file such as errors.txt or something.
(4) If using either option (1) or (2), for the path, if just the “last part” is listed (three-square-meals-ch-01), then the default base path is assumed (, while if https, or http, or even just www is present, then it is assumed that complete paths are listed.
(5) For option (2), include the ability to list a “base” path to use as the first line of the file, such as if list.txt is:
three-square-meals-ch-01 TSM01
three-square-meals-ch-02 TSM02
three-square-meals-ch-03 TSM03
then it would translate to etc, where if list.txt is:
three-square-meals-ch-01 TSM01
three-square-meals-ch-02 TSM02
three-square-meals-ch-03 TSM03
then it would translate to etc.
Maybe that’s too much to ask for, but it’s just a thought. Would you mind? TIA
Cheers and Regards
Hey, thank you for checking it up. I’ll update the description with the requirement of lxml to avoid the same issue ;)
About the enhancements I was thinking maybe allowing for a long string of parameters when calling like: “python Parser three-square-meals-ch-01 TSM01 three-square-meals-ch-02 TSM02 three-square-meals-ch-03 TSM03″. I’ll have to think if it is easier to have the list of url-site then the list or names or all together.
Whichever you think is better as far as the order of parameters. But, for example, if you wanted to convert all 118+ chapters of TSM, I think it will be easier to create that list in a separate “list.txt” or whatever, rather than have a long, unwieldy command line. But that’s just my opinion. Thanks for your willingness to continue to work on your script. It’s definitely quite useful.
Of course, yet another option that could possibly work well for would be the ability to simply specify the author, and have all of their posted works converted, one file for each work. I guess the file names would have to be the same as the listed work’s name, but those could be rather easily be manipulated after the fact using an existing Bulk Rename Utility. Just a thought.
Cheers and Regards
I’ve updated the script with list, author and parametrized mode. Now you can have a file with all you want to obtain or use the author UID (number in the url in the author page) to get everything there. ;)
WOW! Thank you very much! I’ll be sure to check it out and let you know if there are any problems.
Cheers and Regards my friend
I kind of feel like wrapping that script in an installer and giving it a minimal GUI because I need to practice that anyway. Can I have permission for that / could you drop some kind of License file in there so I’m not violating copyright?
Except there is? I’ve had a few apps on my phone that did not come from the appstore and I did not jailbreak my phone. I’m currently at work so I can’t give you the link but maybe once I get home.
Yeah, Three Square Meals is good. Long and good. Took me two months of all available off-time to catch up, and then a month to catch up to all the other stuff I read.
The thing with Mary Sues is that they’re not Mary Sue, if it’s well justified, the characters have worked for it, and there’s an equally or more powerful enemy on the horizon. It’s more “training montage” – ish.
Porn with Proust?
I think for Sydney’s “final form” it might be interesting to see her combine the orbs into one rainbow gem of power, then implant it in her forehead over her “3rd eye”
Then Thanos will come and pry it out of her forehead, and it’s game over, man.
…That would require getting in Melee with Sydney. SHE IS MORE DANGEROUS IN MELEE! SHE IS MORE DANGEROUS IN MELEE!
Did I reply? (Sydney is dangerous in melee!)
My favorite is “Castle of my lesbian vampire ex-girlfriend.” It’s…it’s got a LOT of effort put into it, and surprisingly poignant writing.
Any suggestions for similar stories? Literotica isn’t exactly easy to dig through.
Home for Horny Monsters by Annabelle Hawthorne and The Runesmith Chronicles by *ahem* me… are both good stories if you are into the Harem/Monster Girl genre.
If I may quote a passage from chapter 1 of Three Square Meals *clears throat*
“‘Holy Fuck!!! You’ve got four balls!’ she gasped, gawping at the cluster of orbs.
‘I did say I’m slightly different, I call them my quad.’ John explained helpfully.”
Thank you for something that I couldn’t stop reading. Almost two weeks from start to current.
Yeah, I had the same problem. It actually caused me to fall a little behind on producing the comic for a while, but fortunately, that’s what the buffer is for. :)
One of my patrons mentioned your Blog post. Thanks very much for the kind words!
Now I’ll have to reciprocate and read through your awesome-looking story. :-)
*Added to favourites
Hey! Hope you enjoy the extra dozen or so readers. Hah hah. My audience is decent sized, but TSM is maybe a little outside what people who read my comic are looking for.
Well I enjoyed it enough to start backing Teflers patreon so…. :D
I’m virtually asexual and honestly, this is good enough for me to skip through the sex scenes to get to the story.
I’m really enjoying it.
I’m glad you’re enjoying it. It’d probably be too much work to do a ‘fade to black’ version of this story for people who just want the awesome space opera.
It’s funny, I enjoy good harem stories, but sometimes when I’m reading them, especially in the early parts of the story, I think it’d be amusing to see a harem story with either a MC who is oblivious to all the female interest, or who is asexual to the point of turning down women who are very much not used to being rejected sexually.
Have you read the Everybody Loves Large Chests books? That’s pretty close to what you described!
I’ve read those, but having an asexual sociopathic killbox as an MC isn’t quite what I had in mind. I meant an otherwise normal and gregarious human(ish) character.
That would be an interesting story, an MC who’s kind of both a catalyst and the eye of the storm, but oblivious and mostly uninterested in the tension and activity around them. It would be tricky to write well!
There’s more than one?!?
Three now, and counting.
Check out E. William Brown. His longer series the Daniel Black series has harem themes but is really really well written and even the female characters are also bad ass.
For straight up sci find, especially with different kind of aliens check out Glynn Stewart’s Dutchy of Terra series
God that Fimbulwinter book has a boring cover.
But I’ll add it to my enormous wishlist.
Check out books from John Van Stry or his pen-name Jan Stryvant, he has a nice few series and one shots. The Valens series by Jan Stryvant is on kindle unlimited if you just want to try a book before comitting to the series and he updates his blog regularly with status updates.
the cover is boring but story is great. Gamer from our world gets pulled into parallel world where it’s ragnorok and he has to protect Hecatate’s last remaining worshipper, gains magic powers on the dimensional trip, many shenanigans and much hilarity ensues.
Three Square Meals is also available on – that’s where I read it.
There’s also an add-on to calibre to let you download it from there to read locally.
OMG, I had no idea Tefler had published them! I’ve been following on since…well, I suppose when it was published there. Gotta buy them all now!
Based on your recommendation, I bought them from Kindle. Based on one of the last posts, I logged in to (I have an author’s account there) and lo! 101 chapters available in html, text, mobi/kindle and epub. No charge.
Last I checked, literotica had 119 chapters online. (For those wondering, these chapters are like 30K words long – at least the later ones. The first book is the first 10 chapters, but I think the 4th book is only 7 or 8 chapters. I think there’s one big spacebattle chapter that has to be 90K words at least.)
I downloaded 120 chapters. I’m reading chapter 71, now. I avoid Literotica like plague, so this was from
I agree with Trinimilitia. The Valens Legacy is a fantastic harem series about a young man being dragged into a shadow conflict between modern day wizards and lycanthropes. The mages keep the lycans as slave and the MC becomes a lion were and become the Great Emancipator for his new people. And his wives are all great characters, with powerful personalities and badass powers and skills. When he raises his own army all but 2 of them become officers in it.
The story is amazing, the fights are realistic island the characters are relevant and the racists get shot in the face, what’s not to love!?
Damnit, I started to read these, and OMG they are good, but have taken me away from my other books…
Maxima, Cora, and Dabbler all in the same room…. Let it BEGIN!
DaveB, thanks for the recommendation. Got the amazon books then witched to literotica. I binged all the way to 119. Soooooo good.
Glad you enjoyed it! Wait till you get to 120. >>>:)
good read Thanks Dave, only to 83 as yet, but looking forward to reading more. I don’t think the girls are mary sue’s they’ve just been reprogrammed and upgraded to an extreme degree. A mary sue would never get her ass kicked, and these girls do.
I liked The New Principal ( more.
The OP seemed to be reciprocal, the more women he gives his power to the stronger and faster he gets, at least for the first 5 women in his harem.
I love Three Square Meals but I also love Home for Horny Monsters written by writerannabelle at Who has also branched out into a Patreon and stuff its a good way to get money for a real editing pass at a series I enjoy.
I read that one too. Not bad. Didn’t grab me in quite the same way, but I’d be down for picking up a sequel if/when it comes out.
I beta read for it and on Patreon she has wrapped up book three and is still putting up 2/3 chapters a mouth
That’s good. Hopefully if she’s wrapping up book 3, then book 2 will show up on Amazon or some other retailer’s site soon.
I read TSM for a lo~ong time, but just dropped it. If you’ve read ch 121, you probably can figure out why. I’ve come up with a theory, or maybe I read it somewhere, forgot about it and now think it’s my idea but here goes: If you follow any book series long enough, sooner or later the author will make choices that piss you off and make you quit it. It’s happened to me twice in the last two months, TSM and the Stupid Boy series. I think I invest to heavily in certain characters for my own good sometimes.
Have you ever had a moment when reading a book/series that something happens and you can almost literally hear that “needle sliding off the record” sound in your head? Because you know, this story just died for you. That happened to me with the latest chapter in Stupid Boy: Senior Year Part 1. It’s available for free at I kind of hate myself for not being able to get past the event, because overall it’s a very good series, mixing coming of age, sports, and a good bit of sex although the sex tapers off a bit later in the series. Earlier books in the series are available on Amazon.
Yeah, I wasn’t excited by a certain event in 121. It’s not the first death in the story, but if you’ll recall, it wasn’t permanent. Subsequent chapters have touched on a, er, recovery plan of sorts, so I’m definitely going to stick with it. I’ve enjoyed the series too much to flip the table because one disagreeable thing happened.
I know what you mean, I usually operate the same way, but sometimes it just hits you where it hurts too bad.
Good news on my second series, though. I emailed the author and told him how the scene affected me, why I didn’t like it, and defended my position with a combination of facts from the series concerning the characters in question as well as personal knowledge of the matter at hand. Heard back from him this afternoon and he’s doing a rewrite on that part of the chapter. Didn’t say what changes he was making, but at least he got me to stick around and find out. Somehow I don’t think I was the only reader to complain, but maybe I had the most logical argument.
I started reading Three Square Meals, and have only gotten through the first 10 or so chapters thus far. It’s a bit boring, seems to have a lot of similarities to Mass Effect (though I read a bunch of fanfic for that, including erotic stuff, which may be the reason I’m finding it boring) (use of the word quad, description of characters (John is default name for Shepard, Alyssa is Miranda, but blonde, Calara is Ashley Williams – like. There’s also a lot of similarities between John’s former commanding officer, and David Anderson, including some lines said.), and there’s some nonsensical stuff happening, like a retired Commander dressing down an active Commander with a desk job.
It’s not bad, but I’ve seen more creative / realistic erotic space opera from actual Mass Effect fanfiction
As someone who has never played ME I can’t really comment on the similarities. However, I can say with certainty that the story deviates vastly later on and very much takes on a life of it’s own
It’s not paced like a thriller, that’s for sure. There are very few “the next few days passed in a blur” jumps in the narrative, and there’s arguably too much sex in it, but the story that unfolds is worth it, IMO. I mean, I think so or I wouldn’t have recommended it.
It obviously won’t land for everyone.
I mentioned it once on Jennifer Crusie’s Blog, Argh Ink. I told them I was reading Bad Porn. Really Bad Porn.
If you like harem stories and don’t mind monster girls, you could check out The Runesmith Chronicles on Literotica and Storiesonline (medieval, magic, fantasy). Bring your brain, there’s some geeky physics/chemistry/biology stuff in there. (I do a lot of research for my stories) Fair amount of fun references too. Working on chapter 11 of Book 2 as of writing this.
Another good author along the Harem/MG lines is Annabelle Hawthorne (sexyannabelle on Literotica) and her series: Home for Horny Monsters.
Thanks for the recommends. I added Bludraygn to my Literotica favorite authors. Looks like Ms Hawthorne has removed her stories from Literotica and published at least one book’s worth in eBook. I’ve added her Radley’s Home for Horny Monsters to my Kindle wishlist.
john conroe books are good too
Actually it is on too.
I have enjoyed 3.2 million words from Tefler so far (through chapter 127 on his Patreon). Yes, there is a lot of sex, and some spots where travel/repair times seem compressed; but there is also a lot of story and world building across the universe. there are even some sapients not on a bipedal body plan.
Since we are recommending Harem genre series….The Paladin of Shadows by John Ringo. Sex, violence, strong female characters, dead terrorists, and beer…what more could you ask for really.
All but the last book (so far). It doesn’t hold together quite as well as the rest of the series.
Tefler’s sex scenes are enjoyable, but he needs an anatomy lesson badly.
Hogwash! Girls are completely hollow on the inside. How else could semen enter the stomach from any orifice?
This story has its moments, but the characters spend far too much time wallowing in self pity. They need constant reassurance that they are not all worthless wastes of space.
Story in a nutshell:
Character A: “It’s all my fault!”
Character B: “It’s not your fault!”
Spaceship is upgraded and sex happens.
I have to be a dissenter on Three Square Meals, I tried it up through chapter 70+. The following is not meant to start a fight with those who enjoy this series, or to prevent anyone from trying it. I just want to forewarn other harem aficionados that they may not find what they are looking for in the Three Square Meals series.
The writing is not bad for Free, but definitely not anything I would actually pay money for. The science is bad, the tactics are bad, the characters completely lack an understanding of what parenting would actually be like. Most especially mister “I want to have dozens of kids by every woman in sight, but I insist on ‘being there’ for all my kids”. I find the characters to be shallow and the women to be cardboard characterizations. Finally I do not share the author’s fetishes.
“The science is bad, the tactitcs are bad, the characters completely lack an understanding of what parenting would actually be like,” said the person living in its mother’s basement, jacking off all day to necro-porn with its dead-person ‘fetish’.
Dude, don’t be a troll.
Thank you SO much for showing me this series! I have been reading them non-stop during quarantine now. I think its a great way to keep busy now. Thanks again, DaveB!
Glad you like it!
Been reading TSM on storiesonline for a bit now. Its imo a little to heavy on sex to make the story “great” as you quickly get to a point where you want way less sex to get back to more action/story. Its still a good read though.
For me id go with Shaddoth(author) as someone who puts out amazing stories on that site. His story Biomancer or The Smith are fucking amazing, his latest Axeman has been a good read thus far and is done in the vein of the whole “korean” portal/gates opening up and you fight monsters for power ups/levels.
Aside from that for some space opera awesomeness got to go with The Deathworlders by Hambonde3110. There are some other HFY type stories i really enjoy, but it is imo by far the best. HFY is Humanity, Fuck Yeah. Basically stories that revolve around Humans being superior to most if not all of the other alien species in terms of strength/survival/etc. In most of these type of stories the kind of planet we grew up on the larger universe thinks it cant even SUPPORT “intelligent” life, as its so inhospitable to life itself, that nothing would evolve with the brain juice to get off planet as instinctual behavior is to important for the progression of the species.
It’s funny when a sex story is so good that you start skimming the sex. I’ve found a few like that over the years.
Yeah i like his over all concept on the story, im not trying to shit on it, but its also just way way way to light on the whole “science” part of science fiction. Mass weapons dont work unless they go past the shields..ok. But mass weapons that are missiles go through shields fine, as do drop ships…not even an attempt at an explanation as to why that would be true.
Mass based weapons that are traveling often at sub mach 20(which is a tiny fraction of light speed) somehow having nearly the same “range” of effective use as lasers? when their is NOTHING to disperse it/diffuse its effects in space? let alone over the distances they HAVE to be being used at to let something like a mass driver to be in “range” of hitting anything. So that by itself is just STUPIDLY aggravating to me. Dont even get me started on him ignoring, completely delta V or using fucking HEATSINKS…in SPACE. Like i love the characters, the story itself is well done. But at this point i do find it a true slog to get through the story between all the sex scenes and really really really bad “science” going on.
Well, force fields don’t exist, so saying they’re scientifically inaccurate is like saying a fireball spell is scientifically inaccurate. They work however the author says they do. Anyway, the shield thing never bothered me because it seemed like a velocity thing, like Dune shields. If it helps, later on in the series they unlock Progenitor “Solid Shields” that work like you want. It’s almost immediately OP, hah hah.
The heatsinks… Yeah, it doesn’t make sense if they’re venting into space. I assumed it was a closed liquid/crazy space gas system.
The range limit on Mass Drivers is harder to explain away. Maybe it’s more about accuracy limits at extreme ranges? Or maybe it’s about not giving away your attack vector before you can bring your other weapons into play? I dunno. It would be interesting to see a story where on side uses railguns and can engage from 1000x the range the other force can. Like, they can barely hit anything, but it’s like they just shotgun the shit out of approaching forces to soften them up.
I know everyone has their authorial triggers. I can’t blame you for that. Honestly, the “John feels bad, the girls make him feel better, sex loop” gets a little… There’s a lot of it. But I like it all so much it’s like a little holiday whenever a new chapter drops.
I see a small problem in your reply here. You see, my guess woould be that missles can go through shields as can dropships because they are mabey large enough to put something like shield disruptors on them , as they probably have internal power sources to steer annd control them as well. Conventional mass weapons wouldn’t have that power core to supply them with enough power to run a shield disruptor. As for the heatsinks, I am guessing that they dissapate the haet into the rest of the ships. The characters don’t ever fire a handheld weapond that employs heatsinks, so i assume they are differently structured to vent the heat into the atmosphere. I remember some part where John could hear the heatsinks in his gun venting the heat, which seems to prove my theory here. Also a problem I just realized with the shields is asteroids and space junk/debris. When they get the solid shields, it mentionds that they are able to fly through a debris field and the debris of the shields. This contradicts my previous theory with the shield disruptors as asteroids and debris most definitely don’t have that type of equipment on them.
So, moving on to your mass drivers dilemma. I seem to recall the mass drivers’ shells going ABOVE light speed as indicated by the blue tachyon particle trail left behind as they tested them on an asteroid/moon or whatever after they got the first ship upgrade by the greys. Now for people who don’t either play realistic enough space program games (KSP is pretty fun) or have a space-related job that requires them to know about space physics an measurements and shit, things like Delta V and how coming down from orbit works may be harder to understand. Also, the story is meant to be a sex story, so people aren’t really looking forr things like delta V measurements and that. I personally love the story, but whatever works for you is fine with me. It’s none of my business how you think stuff like this should be written and how it should all work.
so why cannot I buy these on Amazon Australia? What local alternative do I have? So even Amazon is encouraging piracy? This is ridiculous, I am happy to pay, I just want to consume.
No idea. I’d suggest hitting up literotica, then dropping a few bucks on his Patreon maybe? Amazon only has the first four books anyway, which is like up to chapter 40 out of 138?