Grrl Power #1290 – Double date
This page was intended to move things forward a bit more, but then I got distracted by the idea that these four a sort of on a double date. I mean, not really, but they are kind of acting like a pair of old couple-buddies.
Eating bones requires that the thing you’re eating the bones with is stronger than the bones. I’ve never done A/B testing on live bones vs. slow cooked smoked ribs, but I assume non-living bones that have been simmered at 250 for six hours are probably a lot more brittle than living, human teeth, but it’s still not something I would bet my molars on. Not only that, it hurts like hell getting the pointy end of a nacho chip jammed into your gums, so I can only imagine what it’d be like getting an inch of rib shrapnel spearing your soft palate. So, it’s safe to say that Woof mouths are probably quite a bit tougher than a human mouth.
The new vote incentive is up!
Dabbler went somewhere tropical, in a very small bikini. As you might guess, it doesn’t stay on for long, which of course, you can see over at Patreon. Also she has an incident with “lotion,” and there’s a bonus comic page as well.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
Alien boyfriends are cunning linguists.
Proto humans took a HUGE step forward when we started eating bone marrow. Full of nutrients and energy.
But you’re not breaking it with your teeth. It took tool usage to be able to do it.
By which I mean bone on rock, hit with other rock, use stick to extract the insides
Proto humans didn’t marinate rib bones in slightly acidic Barbecue Sauce before cooking them with the meat.
Ribs can become brittle when marinated and barbecued, yet there’s not a lot of edible marrow in them.
Proto humans got their bone marrow from the long bones, which humans do need tools to open.
Cooking pretty much makes ALL bones brittle. That’s why if you’re going to give pets bones, it has to be from fresh uncooked animals. My teeth could do a fair bit of damage to anything up to about a turkey leg bone (drumstick). No, that is not why I have dentures now. Unrelated issues.
Hitting a rock with another rock is usefull in so many ways.
We also found that the usefulness of hitting bone with rock is not limited to already dead bones.
Like that line in Hitchhiker’s Guide “For all you other people, the secret is bang the rocks together.”
That’s how you play the music with rocks in!
They really like to LAY dow their knowledge
I am told that predators eat the skin of their lunch because it protects their stomachs from the sharp fragments of bone.
Depends a lot on the predator
A lot eat organs first because they have the most nutrients and quite a few of them are high in fat
There are some predators that don’t seem to eat bones
As I recall the bones are often for the scavengers and herbivores, and smaller less imposing predators only chew bones to get at meat fragments and maybe the marrow. Lion or wolf or dog leaves quite a lot of the carcass behind after eating all the easy to get to stuff with highest nutritional value. It’s the hyenas that chomp down the bones not the lions. Don’t google this unless, like me, you’ve worked at a slaughterhouse, and are not at all squeamish.
If Frix’s species has certain other things in common with hyenas it’s amazing he has anything to do with Syd given certain errr… Shortcomings compared to female hyenas.
I’ve seen cows out in the pasture chewing on the random bone. In North America coyotes will chew on and scatter the bones and then every thing from there down to rabbits and mice will have a gnaw on them.
I suppose there is not many source of calcium in nature.
Or at least not ones as easily available. It’s why mineral (not just salt) blocks make such good bait for deer or other animals.
Syd kind of opened the door ,so she can’t really complain.
What is Garam doing in the last panel?
I’m pretty sure it’s an unintentional demonstration that woof tongues aren’t the only ones highly sought after in relationships.
I believe he’s laughing.
They’re teasing, play acting at human and woof getting tongue-frisky.
Breaking the 4th wall, it looks like :)
I can’t tell who Max is punching
Powergirl: she gives big-breasted supers a ‘dirty’ name
I feel like the folks at Archon, and people in general really, can be divided into two separate groups:
A) those who appreciate why Maxi might be more keen to beat up Power Girl than Superman, and
B) those who would draw Maxi that way.
Red cape and an ‘S’ on the chest, so probably? Maybe Supergirl.
I have absolutely eaten some bbq pork spare ribs that were slow cooked in such a way that the bones were softened to the point there wasn’t a crunch left in em and my teeth easily won the battle.
Yeah, on my ribs you can eat the bones if you want. Slow cooked in a mix of vinegar, onions, and BBQ sauce.
That’s Michigan style ribs, as my mom taught me to cook them. Here in the South it’s serious heresy to call it BBQ, though.
My wife is continually complaining about my habit of cracking chicken bones to suck the marrow. But it IS tasty!
“Tacticless”? Did you mean “tactless?” Why would she lose tactics? When she obviously has no tact–that’s her current tactic, right?
“Her now jailed, former mercenary group” were captured while trying and kidnap and sell Max using Lapha’s plan (tactics). Hence, “tactic-less”.
Were they lacking tactics? Or did the tactics just not work?
Admittedly a working tactic (for a definition of “working”) might have been “We need a lot more stuff and people to pull this off.”
Best tactic for not being damaged by nuclear bomb is not to be there when it goes off. Next best is ensure it’s in a tunnel a long way underground, i.e. put a *lot* of matter between you and it.
They actually had a half-decent plan, to incapacitate Max with a stasis field. They just lacked sufficient intelligence on other supers, and didn’t account for a third party to crash the proceedings. So they had tactics, just insufficient planning and organization when things went south, but that isn’t as pithy nor would it fit in the space allowed for the stingers.
And, to be fair, Lapha’s former gang have due cause to be a bit salty and less-than-generous in their descriptions of her, so I can see them claiming her strategy was worse than it actually was.
Hyenas eat everything, including crunching up the bones and they are a lot smaller than Frix. Pigs do a pretty complete job, too.
Komodo Dragons also apparently eat pretty much the whole carcass, even if its way past its freshness.
Bearded Vultures. Bones are 80-90 percent of there diet
Don’t tell me you’re getting a portrait of one!
Going off memory, enamel is the hardest organically produced substance (somewhere between steel and titanium), so most animals with teeth can and will eat bones. As for actually crunching on them like Frix is, that’s normally left for ones with stronger jaws, which typically means herbivores, funnily enough.
Holy hells, dude! That Dabbler vote incentive piece is smoking!
It is is, I have always ben attracted to her natural form. But this piece… IS AMAZING!
Personally, I can’t get over her double belly button. I don’t know why that, of all things, turns me off, but it does.
Eeeeee-yup. Was kinda stunned at the Patreon stuff on this one.
Wow, bet our lizard friend there could be fun to play with as well with that tongue. Given the memory comments from earlier in their interactions, he must be rather popular.
..and with that line, we are back to peak Grrl Power. Ah, lovely :).
Is the purple orb drawn on the near side of Garamm’s tongue?
Last strip (or the one before) we had slash fan fiction. Now I don’t want to imagine the knots when Frix and Garamm kiss.
You don’t slurp mammal marrow with a straw. That’s for bird bones because of their tubular structure. Mammal bones have a more solid construction and so you crush and grind them to get the marrow. Go eat some ribs, man.
You could slurp the marrow from leg bones. But it is easier to slice them and cook until the marrow comes out easily. And I agree with Frix. Very tasty.
I’ve often used a skewer to get marrow out of roast legs of lamb
Foolishly gave a pork rib to my spouse’s service dog. When I dud see gnawing and heard the crunching noises, I knew we were probably visiting the vet the next day. Bogan dog.
Gave the ham bone to my Jack Russell after boiling it for split pea soup. The next day he was pooping out piles of white dust.
I’m with Sydney; the sound of crunching bone reminds me of literal dogs in a too-visceral way. (I’ll miss you and your love of bones forever, Rover)
On the rib vs teeth combo, if the ribs are good enough, I go ham on them with my back teeth, not eating the bones, but getting the bone soft enough to suck out the flavour, like how you eat raw sugar cabe
Garamm might have not done much but he’s quickly becoming a favorite
There’s a pattern. With the more inhuman creatures, they’re either horror-evil (the Alari’s kaiju destroyers, the Fel slavers), or they’re given some appealing quality to make them relatable (Trent’s easygoing familiarity, Thothogoth’s sincere affection, Garamm’s romantic nature).
Peggy’s showing some amusement.
HA! I KNEW he was in it for the marrow!
Also, it’s “lingular dexterity”, and Syd would know it. And therefore, so would Lapha.
Might also be “glossal”.
Oh yeah slow-cooked bones, even thigh bones, become very brittle and soft enough to eat with hyu-mon teeth
Wow, Sydney criticising someone else eating habits… while still holding her horrurito
And berating someone for explaining something she was openingly displaying
Yeah, don’t change Sydney, you might actually become a decent hyu-mon being if you did
It is frustrating to say the least. The ingredients are not as bothersome as her lack of awareness on how to WRAP and EAT something like a tortilla. Crunching bones? That is tolerable. Leaving a trail of food from the open end of a burrito after each bite? It might be excusable as a small child. As an adult, especially one with Sydney’s savviness and experiences, common sense should prevail.
Sydney is one of those people that complain when you eat ice.
For anybody who thinks the last panel looks familiar but can’t quite recall:
Until scrolled down, thought you meant Maxi’s “This is not regulation!” face matching Sydney’s :P
Regarding cooked bone brittleness: Yes, cooked bones are absolutely more brittle. Not generally so brittle as to make a significant difference for us humans, but it’s a potentially important detail for people with dogs.
Raw bones are typically safer for them because cooked bones more easily break into sharp shards that can be swallowed and cause appreciable injury to their Gastrointestinal tract. So…don’t give your dog your leftover spare rib. And certainly don’t give them poultry bones (cooked or otherwise), those splinter even more easily.
This context is exactly why I have knowledge about the brittleness of cooked bones. :)
Crunching bones is not a comforting genetic memory for the plains ape.
The new vote incentive may actually be the most attractive Dabbler has ever appeared to me. I can’t really pinpoint why this one is different (having seen multiple iterations of her in the varying states of undress associated with Patreon access from before I had to enforce a tighter budget)…but she’s quite lovely in this one.
renowned*, btw
Wolves and hogs eat everything, so it only make sense that Frix would too. It’s some humans too, my kid sister would do that, not crunching them, but sucking the marrow out of chicken legs, etc. I agree with Sydney, that sound, ugh! My sister was raising hogs, and they did the same thing. Plus, one of her chickens decided to help itself to some of the hogs’ slop, free snack! it was gone in two bites! WTG Lapha, you used Sydney’s weakness against her, being caught talking sexy times with her boyfriend! I think once Lapha gets over getting busted and tethered, she’ll fit right in.
I’m surprised nobody else has mentioned it yet: You can take beef bones, saw them in half lengthwise, then roast them in the oven. Then you can just scoop out the marrow and spread it on toast.
Also, if you’re REALLY interested in gnawing on bones, try making cholent. It’s a traditional Jewish food for the Sabbath, where you combine the meat (a tough section of beef, mutton, etc, with lots of connective tissue is good. You can also use whole chicken if you like) with dried beans and vegetables, plus liquid (beef/chicken stock, plus wine or beer, work great), and then… slow cook it for about 24 hours. Literally, from sundown to sundown. When it’s finished, the bones will be soft enough you can literally CHEW them (to say nothing of how rich and delicious the rest is. Tender meat and beans and vegetables all blended into a rich, savory goodness… <3 )
Yes, you COULD saw the bones in half. If you have a ban saw handy in a sanitary environment. But some of us DO have that. My bud butchers deer in the fall/winter, and his ban saw is just a few steps from his kitchen. But I’ll go out on a limb and guess most of us can’t claim that convenience.
I like the menu choices: Meat…Not Meat.
just beware of the ‘Nearly Meat’
As someone who regularly simmers bones for hours in order to make bone broth (also called stock, the delicious liquid imparting glorious flavor to soups, stews, noodles cooked in it, etc, etc), trust me, they CAN get soft enough to chew!
yes but it wouldn’t be a Rib then it would be soup.
That last panel strongly reminds one of the “blblblblbl” in I Wish I Was A Lesbian:
She said “I wish I was a lesbian!” That’s why this song is sung
Said, “It shouldn’t have to matter how someone is hung.
Other things are more important. Like how you use your tongue!”
What that tongue do, tho?