Grrl Power #208 – Arc-LIGHT earns their keep
Arc-LIGHT is more than just Zeph, Leon and Gwen in case anyone was curious. They have researchers and even field agents a la X-Files or Fringe. Arc-SWAT needs to know who to go punch when the bad guys don’t conveniently introduce themselves at dinner after all. I skipped over most of that since this story arc was already pretty long, but it’s a fair bet the next story arc will have some additional Arc-LIGHT involvement.
I want to talk about the action on this page. I want to draw good action and I think the action on this page is pretty tepid. It’s functional, you can tell what’s going on, but while I was coloring the page I decided it could be a lot better. It was too late to change it, so I used my discontent as an excuse to re-read some One Punch Man and Cammy Manga (by Masahiko Nakihara) and I think the page that follows this one is much improved. Oh and if this page seems a little light on content (seeing as most of my pages hover around the 8-11 panel count) it’s because this page was supposed to be a double page, but due to the way the layout of the next few pages went, I had to either cut it here or make this page a triple page. These action pages with the big panels will sometimes break down like that, but the good news is at least the next comic will be a double page. Sequential art is hard.
In case you missed it, I posted a bonus comic of sorts yesterday. It’s an old vote incentive that disappeared from the web when I replaced it with the next incentive. It’s a Dabbler’s Science Corner answering some questions about Harem.
Speaking of bonus comics, I’m doing some guest comics over at GynoStar. There’s a bit of a story behind these. Basically I came up with some jokes that didn’t quite fit the flavor of Grrl Power so I wrote them into a series of strips and presented the idea to Rebecca over at GynoStar. She liked them, but I only had a few strips worth of material at the time. Not quite enough for a whole arc. So she filled out the rest of the story, which starts here, and we’re now up to my strips. I’ll be doing them for the next… 7 strips I think? Half of them are already drawn and the coloring is much simpler than Grrl Power so I’m planning to keep to the regular schedule here.
I’ll do some more streaming today. Here’s the link. I’m trying it on Twitch.TV this time. Spoilers for pages 211 and 212 obviously. Stream’s over. Thanks for dropping by is you got a chance. I don’t think the stream got saved… I must have missed that button.
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And the new bad girl is tearing it up as she does a pop fly that sends another hero out of the park!
Talk about being a wreaking ball.
Was that a goofy holler?
That is pretty much the universal understanding, judging by pages 1 & 2 of the comments.
And here’s the mp3.
Reminds me of an ex-girlfriend of mine.
That is quite a blow for injustice.
In case you didn’t get told about this, the comment about Concrete Woman’s powers (I’m re-using your earlier Concrete Man joke) in the comic is that they are stone control by saying petrakinesis and petragenesis. The more proper terms would be terrakinesis and… not sure how to say “Earth Generation” in a more geeky way. Hehe. Well, love the comic, and I’ll get up to the most recent one soon! :)
Is that a Goofy sound?
Correct. Per various commentators, on previous comment pages. Not a fan myself, so that went over my head…
… way over.
Any super with superstrength and/or super durability should wear super heavy gear for the added functions and avoiding getting punched into the stratosphere.
i love that achillies did the goofy yell
Do y’all think Achilles did the Goofy holler on purpose? I like to imagine he spends time thinking of fun things he can do because of his invulnerability. I know its would.